Lilly Bits O' Heaven - Angelic Shichon Puppies
Visiting LillyBits and Our Home
Visiting Guidelines
LillyBits is based out of our home and we raise our puppies with our children and in our busy household. Because of our small size we don’t have the facility a large breeder might have that lends itself to business hours and open visiting.
Our young puppies are susceptible to a variety of viruses and parasites that could be unintentionally tracked into our home from well meaning visitors. To protect our puppies and their future families we limit our visiting to those coming to select and/or visit their puppy. These visitors, prior to arriving at our home are given instructions on what to do the day they are planning a visit to insure that the risk to their puppy is negligible.
When you visit our website we try to offer a real glimpse into our family and how we raise your puppy. You will find many pictures and videos that feature our nursery, living room, yard and home. I can’t count the times a family has remarked that they feel like they have already been here because of our very candid home movies on You Tube.
Once you have been through our screening process and chosen a LillyBit as your next family member we would be thrilled to meet you! Just plan on hand sanitizer, shoe covers and a few strict instructions to do at home before you arrive. Visits are normally about 45 minutes to an hour. Puppies that are under eight weeks old need so much rest and have a limit to how much playing and socializing they can do before they need to recharge.
We know that the wonderful people that we have been blessed with for our puppies will appreciate the lengths we go to insure a healthy, happy and well socialized pup!
We look forward to meeting you!
Heather & Angie

Can We Visit LillyBits?
The short answer is yes, you can visit! We do have some visiting guidelines in place to protect our puppies, our adult dogs and our home.